Friday, April 1, 2011

I can't rely on Google forever

If you were to make an archive of significant Edmonton materials, what 5 items would it include and why?

That's a pretty difficult blog challenge, if I do say so. What would I preseve about Edmonton? I actually googled "significant Edmonton materials", but nothing came up. I can't really speak for general items that may signify Edmonton and, coincidentally, neither can google; I can, however, pick a few personal artifacts from my own room that are significant to me. 
So here it goes:
1. My First Concert Ticket- The first concert I ever went to was for City and Colour at the Winspear. I hate to say this, because it wasn't even that long ago, but it was my first real "big city experience". I was underage, so the wonders of Edmonton night life had no resonance with me. For the first time I got to go downtown and see all the city lights at night, and marvel at the buildings. I think this was the first time I was introduced to this kind of culture. None of my friends are into the same kind of music I am, so being around people who were just as crazy about this music as I was expanded my world a bit. I got to experience a diversity that my home town doesn't offer.

2. A mask from the Fringe - This is undoubtedly the scariest thing in my room. When it was given to me by my Grandma, I was horrified. It is this gnarled, strangely proportioned plastic mask with feathers protruding out of it. At the beginning, this mask freaked the crap out of me and remained dormant in my closet for years. Over time, I began to appreciate it; It was handmade, and 100% unique. Edmonton really is a festival city, and this odd mask always reminds me of that.

3. My Coffee Cup- I love how many coffee shops there are around Edmonton. No matter how lost I am, there is always one near by. I have my Edmonton mug that I bring with me everywhere, just in case I find myself under-caffeinated

4. My Oilers Jersey- This is the most specific thing on my list. I have an old style knitted version that I wear on special occasions. My family is made up of Hockey addicts, so usually our get togethers revolve around a game and Gretzky reminiscing

5.Winter Boots- Because, Like Tevor Anderson, I don't plan on letting people know that Edmontonians have seen grass. I think the idea of perpetuating the stereotypical Canadian winter is hilarious and I plan on continuing this.

My list may not be really specific to Edmonton, but these are all items that are significant to me about Edmonton.


  1. I LOVE this list, Caitlin. Awesome.

  2. Caitlin, there are too many Caitlin McCauley's on Facebook. :( I don't know which one to add.

    Are you the one with the Justin Bieber profile picture? haha. Maybe I'm not in the right network, or I just don't know how to use Facebook properly.
