Friday, March 25, 2011

Directionally Confused in the Big CityThe

It's easy for me to imagine experiencing Edmonton as a tourist because I am one. I come from the 'burbs, a place where I always know where I am, to a city that leaves me instantly lost. No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to understand where things are. Even when I think I do, I'm usually wrong. I'm always corrected; when I think something is on the north side, it's really on the east, or if I think I'm down town I'm really somewhere completely different. It's sad because Edmonton's not even that big, but it's this labyrinth that I just can't seem to understand. I know I'm a smart person, but I may have to accept that I will be perpetually lost as long as I'm in Edmonton. One time, I tried to drive to Wayne Gretzky Drive, assuming it was one 99th street because that just makes sense. I, of course, did not reach my destination. I'm not trying to gripe about how I don't understand a city layout unless it has ridiculously named neighborhoods, like the Birds, Trees, or Foxborrow, but Jasper and 124th is like another language to me.

Directionally confused in the City I may be, but one thing I can always find is a coffee shop. I have a sixth sense when it comes to caffeinated beverages. Usually, no matter where I am, the first thing I look for is a place to grab a cup. My first day at the University was terrifying. I only knew when it was time to get off of the bus because everyone else with a back pack was leaving. Rather than ask someone for directions to my class, I picked the closest building and found a coffee stand; class could wait.

A big way that I move through the city, even if I don't know which part of the city I am in, revolves around cafe's. I definitely belong to the coffee shop scene. I don't sit in Starbucks and write so other people can watch me write, but I appreciate the scene. It's interesting to see how many different groups of people can  populate the same coffee shop, and in contrast, how many specific groups occupy a particular cafe. One of my favorite spots in Edmonton is a small cafe called the Wild Earth Cafe. It's cute and quaint and seems to always be full of the most interesting people. "Unique" doesn't do it justice. All of the different persona's of Edmonton congregate here. It's a gathering of all of these diverse sub cultures and the food's not bad too. I'd recommend at least one visit for everyone, so get out there. It's the one place in Edmonton I've always been able to get to without getting confused, so humor me.


  1. hahahah I hate the birds! I actually find it so confusing and I've lived in the Park my whole life. I used to be a lost soul in Edmonton too, but I find that it becomes way easier the more you drive it. Practice makes perfect!

  2. Hey, I hear you on the tourist thing. Good thing I'm finally starting to figure out the bus routes ... kind of. (Though I think I limit myself mostly to places which are along the LRT line, so as to avoid the humiliation of getting lost in the city in which I have taken up permanent residence for the past 1.5 years.)

    Where is Wild Earth? I have never heard of it. I'm trying to learn about the interesting spots in the city, so help me out!

  3. Wild Earth is on 89th ave and 99st.
    It is also a bakery and right next door is an amazing restaurant named Culina.
    Both definitely worth checking out.
    No matter how daunting Edmonton may be upon first arrival, the city's use of the grid system allows for addresses to be easily reached without the use of a map. Brilliant! This of course is if you don't get caught running into the river valley or mill creek!
